Membership Benefits

Our members including businesses, organizations, and individuals join the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce for a wide range of benefits:

  • Monthly Breakfast Meeting with member announcements and programs held on the second Friday of the month (September – June) on the third floor of the Town Hall. Breakfast begins at 7:00 AM with the program beginning at 7:30 AM.
  • Networking Events provides members with the opportunity to network with other Chamber members in a relaxed social environment.
  • Member Portal allows our members to maintain contact information, maintain Directory information including a landing page, and schedule events, post job openings, and submit blog posts.
  • Community Calendar. List your events on the Community Calendar at no charge through the Member Portal with a landing page for each event.
  • Email communication on area events, opportunities, and discussions.
  • Connections to the Chamber board and Executive Director. We are who people call when they are looking for local resources.
  • Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs Programs. Because of our relationship to the BCE, Chamber members are also members of the BCE and have access to BCE programs for free or at a reduced cost.
  • Benefit discounts. Insurance discounts for health (now including sole proprietors), dental, vision and other insurance; Pooled Employer Plan (PEP) for 401k; legal assistance; ID protection; shipping and freight services, and more. Click here for a full list.
  • Outreach opportunities. Keep your business in the public eye with sponsorship opportunities for, the Chamber Breakfasts, Business After Hours, Community Calendar, Blaze of Lights, Arts & Crafts Festival, and Fireworks after National Night Out.

To become a member, simply fill out the application here. For more information, contact the chamber at